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on this jetty of whoredom and she says it’s because only a man and a woman are allowed to stand there."
      "'The woman is supposed to be like this,' she lies down, leans her head on the log, grabs the iron rings with her hands, fits her feet in the other two rings, 'and the man on top. That’s how,' she says, 'our great-grandmothers got it on.'
      "I’m gonna light up," he said, passing the helm to me and sitting next to Maia.
      "So she told you the whole story and then you tied her up to the jetty and fucked her and all that," said Maia, not believing a single word Damir had said.
      "No," said Damir. "Then she said she had to go to school. When she reached the top of the stairs I asked her what the hell the chapel was for.
      "'That is Our Lady of the Whores,' she said, 'and these,' pointing at the climbing plant, 'are the flowers of whoredom. They grow all over the island, but it’s only here that the flowers are red.'
      "'Do the men and women still come here?' I shouted after her. She turned and said 'Be here tonight, both of you, and you’ll find out.'"
      "And you know, she wasn’t lying about the flowers. Later we walked along the sea for a couple of kilometers and the ancient rocks were all covered with this wretched plant, only the flowers were white and yellow everywhere except on the jetty of whoredom. There they were red. Later we smoked a joint to straighten out our heads and the bartender there told us the whole story. That’s it."
      Maia was pensive. She was looking in the direction of the Island of Beautiful People, thinking God knows what.
      "It’s good." Damir was gazing across the bow. "We’ll be in Vruje this afternoon."
      This time around he had added the yellow flowers. There were no yellow flowers. All over the island the rocks were covered in climbing white-blossomed plants; only the ones beneath Our Lady of the Whores
što na molu od bluda moraju biti žena i muškarac. Žena mora biti ovako, pa legne na mol, glavu nasloni na trupac, rukama se uhvati za one alke, pete ubaci u druge alke, a muškarac povrh nje. Tako su se, veli ona, jebale naše prababe. Zapalit ću jednu", predao mi je kolo i sjeo do Maje.
      "I onda vam je ona ispričala cijelu priču, pa ste je lijepo svezali na mol, prasnuli je i sve tako", rekla je Maja ne vjerujući ni jednoj Jedinoj Damirovoj riječi.
      "Ne", rekao je Damir. 'Onda je rekla da mora u školu. Kad je došla na vrh stuba upitao sam je da kob vraga tamo radi ta kapelica. To je Gospa od bluda, rekla je, a ovo, pokazala je na puzavice, to vam je cvijeće od bluda. Ima ga po cijelom otoku, ali samo su ovdje cvjetovi crveni. Dolaze li još uvijek ovdje muškarci i žene, povikao sam za njom. A ona se okrenula i rekla: Dđite večeras ovdje, obojica, pa ćete saznat. I znaš, nije lagala što se cvjetova tiče. Prošli smo, kasnije, nekoliko kilometara uz more, i svuda je po škrapama rasla ta šugava biljka, samo što su svugdje cvjetovi bili bijeli i žuti, osim kod mola od bluda. Tamo su bili crveni. Poslije smo otišli u neku birtiju na štelanje kursa, i tamo nam je konobar ispričao cijelu priču. Eto tako".
      Maja se uozbiljila. Gledala je prema Otoku lijepih ljudi i mislili tko zna što. "Dobro je", Damir je zurio preko prove, "popodne smo u Vrujama".
      Ovom prilikom dodao je priči žute cvjetove. Nije bilo nikakvih žutih cvjetova. Svud na otoku, po škrapama su rasle puzavice bijelih cvjetova, samo su one ispod Gospe od bluda imale crvene cvjetove. Prešutio je da smo na otoku ostali još jedan dan, i da nam je tek jutro poslije, nakon što smo ga upitali za mol i kapelicu, konobar ispričao legendu o Gospi od bluda. Prešutio je i to da nas je konobar zatim upitao je li nam možda jedna Lady
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