Birgit Munch


Det var kun mig der kom ud af maven, men

bagefter fødte min mor endnu ti børn i

hurtig rækkefølge: ud a ryggen kom

Rikard, ud af nakken kom Nanna, ud af

skulderen kom Steen, ud af albuen kom

Amalie, ud af hånden kom Henrik, ud a

fingeren kom Frederikke, ud af tungen

kom Tom, ud a låret kom Linda, ud af

knæet kom Kim, ud af anklen kom Astrid,

ud af foden kom far ind i fuglen.



I was the only one who came out of the

stomach, but later my mother gave birth to

another ten children in rapid succession:

out of her back came Rikard, out of her

neck came Nanna, out of her shoulder

came Steen, out of her elbow came

Amalie, out of her hand came Henrik, out of

her finger came Frederikke, out of her

tongue came Tom, out of her thigh came

Linda, out of her knee came Kim, out of her

ankle came Astrid, out of her foot into the

bird came dad.