Chango Chingamadre Stories

Chango Chingamadre Stories (and Other Moral Fictions 1986-2018) by R. V. Branham

Publication Date: January, 2019
Trade Paper; 342 pages; 6" x 4"
Seventh Station Publishing
ISBN 978-1-64204-579-6

These mostly Left Coast stories - dinosaur ballets, psycho teenage trustafarians, beggars, bored house cats & their rivals - snake from the wormhole of the '60s, '70s, '80's, '90s, 00's. They offer greetings from Little Beirut, post-earthquake El-Lay & bebop New York. Remember, postcards lie, & liars always tell somebody's truth.

"R. V. Branham's Chango Chingamadre Stories is a phosphorescent work of life and death, though not always in that order."

Richard Nash, founder, Cursor, & publishing editor, Soft Skull Press, Red Lemonade

"R. V. Branham's storytelling is wholly unique, His characters (from dinosaurs in ballet class to the nurse who works intake in Heaven to junk-sick jazzmen, barflies, thugs, grifters and drifters) get under the skin and remain, as allegory, love letter, and funeral dirge. They masterfully navigate absurdity, hilarity and sincerity with alluring and devastating effect. A reading experience I won't soon forget."

Matthew Robinson, author, The Horse Latitudes, co-author, The Jesus He Deserved

"Einstein would have called it spooky action at a distance. A mad scientist beckons you inside and hands you a test tube. His hair is wild. You're not sure whether you're qualified to handle all these dangerous chemicals, but the man in the lab coat tosses you a pair of safety goggles and gestures to an unmanned Bunsen burner. How can you resist? Who was that man at the door? It was R. V. Branham, and he's been keeping the lab alive for years."

Tiffany Lee Brown, author, poet, essayist, & Plazm Magazine editor

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